FO – Myrtle Leaf Shawl

Wedding ShawlWedding Shawl
Pattern: Myrtle Leaf Shawl from Victorian Lace Today
Yarn: JaggerSpun Zephyr in Ivory
Yardage: approximately 1/2 a cone
Yarn Source: emerald city stuff on ebay
Needles: various. Most of the work was done on size 5 US Brittany straights, then when one got a burr in the tip I switched to size 5 plymouth wooden straights. I started out with clover circulars, but I don’t usually like circs for lace if I can help it.
Modifications: doubled the original pattern length wise (2x as many repeats across) and added another 10 repeats to the end. This made for a very long shawl.
Time to Complete: about four months. I started a little before easter and finished in early July.

This was originally going to be my wedding veil, but after a number of starts and stops, and then the fact that when blocked it didn’t open up nearly as much as I thought it would, it ended up as a wrap I wore at the very end of the night, after I changed. As I didn’t especially like the way I looked at the wedding in general, I think the trials and tribulations of the veil were a harbinger of doom anyway. But I do like the way it came out, regardless. The pattern was fairly easy to memorize, and quite fun to knit without being to repetitive or stressful. I would like to make the same pattern in black, but I think I would stay with the original pattern for a more manageable shawl.

I really loved the Jaeger zephyr though, and I am glad that I have several more cones of it in different colors after some lucky buying on ebay.

Here’s a picture of the shawl at about halfway finished, with a detail image

Unblocked detailHalf way

And here it is blocking



Shawl detail


Filed under finished object, knitting

2 responses to “FO – Myrtle Leaf Shawl

  1. quenouille

    First, you looked absolutely gorgeous at your wedding. You should have heard everyone when we all got the first sight of you walking down the aisle!

    Second, I do love that shawl. Even though I think you were right not to use it as your veil (the veil you did use looked really pretty rippling in the wind).

  2. echoknits

    I’m the eternal perfectionist I think, and nothing ever looks the same in my head. But I do love how this shawl turned out.

    The veil I used was a quick rush shipment from Denver fabrics, then my gram did the handkerchief stitching on the sides and I sewed it to the comb the morning of. It was awesome.

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